Village Bells 1996 (Issues 108-113)

Issue 108 – February 1996

Artwork Val Ewenson
Artwork Val Ewenson

Topics include: John and Terry Milligan; Hubert Lenne; Joy Rose; Kindergarten 40 years

Issue 109 – April 1996

Artwork Helen Smith
Artwork Helen Smith

Topics include: John Milligan; Village Fair Cancelled; Ayako Mizushima; Ragwort; Lauren Cockerell; Tayne Forrest-Henry; Tom Griffin Reserve Opened; New Orchid

Issue 110 – June 1996

Artwork Wendy Neal
Artwork Wendy Neal

Topics include: Wilma Young; Salisbury House Extensions; Keith Colomb Leaver; Rotary Club Eulogy

Issue 111 – August 1996



Topics include: Evelyn Vance (Obit); JACKSON Graham Jackson Citizen of the Year

Issue 112 – October 1996

Artwork Helen Smith
Artwork Helen Smith

Topics include: La Mabellion; Linda Mackay; Doug and Brenda Field; General Store Takeover; Laurie & Sandra Fenton

Issue 113 – December 1996

Artwork Val Ewenson
Artwork Val Ewenson

Topics include: Glen Leith 100th birthday; Graham and Lyn Cockerell; Beaconhills 50th Anniversary; Peter Meeking leaves UB; Kindergarten 40 years

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