Village Bells 2004 (Issues 155-158)

Issue 155 – March 2004

Masthead by Helen Smith
Masthead by Helen Smith

Topics include: Anne McCormick Citizen of the Year; Australia Day Awards; Obituary John Walter Birch (Wally Wobblelegs)

Issue 156 – June 2004

Artwork by Cheryl O'Gallagher
Artwork by Cheryl O’Gallagher

Topics include: Certificate of Merit Robert Shreeve; Platypus return to Cardinia Creek; Supermarket under new management – Pramod and Anita Patel; Public toilet fiasco; School upgrade

Issue 157 – September 2004

Masthead by Helen Smith
Masthead by Helen Smith

Topics include: History of Babysitting Club; Beaconhills Golf Club: a brief history; Local businesses; Community Centre book launch

Issue 158 – December 2004

Artwork by Val Ewenson
Artwork by Val Ewenson

Topics include: Vale Annabel Ford; Orchids at Rec Reserve; School celebrates 120 years; Local Businesses

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