Issue 227 – March 2022
Topics include: Joan Medwin: 70 years with CWA; Vale Michael Stuart King Oliver; Deer vs the Australian environment; History: Our first St John’s Church and Roy Hayball; Why rat poison is killing owls
Issue 228 – June 2022
Topics include: William Henry Goff; Harpfields; Vale Dorothy Grant; About brain function and ageing; Painted Button Quail; Empowering local communities
Issue 229 – September 2022

Topics include: Fire Brigade: Community Open Day; Super new tanker for the brigade; Provide food for bees; We won’t eat our way out of this crisis; All about your eyes; Beaconshills benefactor had a colourful past; Boomerang bags milestone; Upper Beaconsfield Community Directory
Issue 230 – December 2022

Topics include: Salisbury House extension now open; Village Festival 2023; Ash Wednesday Commemoration 2023; How efficient is your home?; Upper Beaconsfield Dog Tails; Vale Barry Medwin; Vale Barbara Irving; Vale Mavis Brockman; Citizen of the year luncheon; Cardinia Shire Biolinks Plan