Upper Beaconsfield Men’s Shed

A Men’s Shed is a dedicated, friendly and welcoming meeting place where men come together and undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities.

Men’s Sheds are open to all men regardless of age, background or ability. It is a place where you can share your skills and knowledge with others, learn new skills and develop your old skills.

New members are always welcome and can be assured that there is something of interest for everyone as the men have ownership of their Shed and projects and decide their own program of events. An objective of Men’s Sheds is to enhance or maintain the well-being of the participating men.

Contact Mark (President)  0419 304 197,
Noel Ling (Sec) 0414 443 735,
Paul Higgott (Workshop Mgr) 0408 732 507
Email secubms@gmail.com

Meeting times
Tuesday 9 am-2 pm
Wednesday 9 am-1 pm
Thursday and Friday by request
